These 2021 AI Trends will Take Place in Your Business.

Maleaka B
3 min readJan 18, 2021


A lot of new things have happened within the automotive industry, we are starting to see the emergence of many other robotics problems,

The widespread adoption of AI in all industries has been a bit hotter over the past few years as company founders and managers begin to understand what technology can do for their businesses, Wang said, adding that improvements in native language use, improved offerings from cloud companies such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud and greater access to data sets helped support this trend.

The role of AI in the health Industry

Big data has been used extensively to identify COVID patients with critical hot points. AI already assists the healthcare sector to a great extent with high accuracy. In addition, researchers have developed thermal cameras and mobile applications to monitor individual temperatures and collect data from health care organizations.

By using data analysis and predicting various outcomes, AI can support health facilities in a number of different ways. AI and ML instruments provide insight into human health and recommend ways to prevent the spread of disease. AI solutions enable physicians to remotely monitor their patients’ health, thus improving their telecommunications and remote care.

AI architectures create unstructured data
Next year, businesses will use the concept of machine learning and processing of natural languages (NLP) to facilitate the creation of informal data such as photos or emails, Butterfield’s ISG said. Goal? Creating data is a robotic process automation technology (RPA) that you can easily use to do business transactions.

“We have seen an increase in RPA, which is the fastest-growing software adoption platform in the last 24 months. But the RPA has its limitations — especially because it can only process systematic information, ”Butterfield explained. “Using AI to complete the complex task of understanding informal data and delivering the result defined as the client’s intent will enable the RPA to complete the action.”

AI and the cloud become a symbol
“Artificial intelligence will play a key role in the widespread adoption of cloud solutions,” said Rico Burnett, director of new clients at law firm Exigent. “Monitoring and management of cloud resources and a host of data to be built will be charged for the deployment of artificial intelligence.”

Organizations will continue to push AI to the brink

As computer and energy storage grows, more work capacity and performance will be found on the edge of the business network. Our study found that 41% of business leaders believe that edge use cases rely heavily on AI maturity and other technologies such as automation and machine learning, which promote a harmonious relationship between the two technologies.

With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the increase in 5G speeds up the trend, computer-edge computing will increase, and edge-based AI capacity will also grow.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

To simplify business processes and reduce costs, many CIOs are turning to a flexible technology system called Robotic Process Automation (RPA). With the RPA, organizations can create complex business processes based on rules, allowing their employees to devote more time to serving clients or other high-value work.

The RPA aims at the automation of business processes, which are governed by business concepts and systematic input. RPA solutions can vary from simple things like generating an email response to sending thousands of bots, each of which is programmed into the ERP system to perform legal tasks. RPA is practiced in all vertical disciplines such as the manufacturing industry, KPO, HR, and finance.



Maleaka B

I’m Maleaka, passionate about blogging with 4 years of experience in B2B industry. Expertise in B2B services, strategies and products.